Greensand Multi Academy Trust is the admission authority for Kingswood Primary School.
You can apply for a primary, infant or junior school place from 4 November 2024 if your child:
The closing date for applications is 15 January 2025.
All applications for Kingswood Primary School need to be made via Surrey County Council.
To find up to date information about the school's admission arrangements and details on how to apply, either as part of the normal intake or during the school year, please use the link or number below:
School admissions - Surrey County Council (
Surrey County Council Admissions 0300 200 1004
Please do contact Jonelle Thatcher in the school office if you wish to discuss any aspect of admissions to our school.
Please click on the link below to take you to our Prospective Parents and Carers page where you can find out more about how to visit our school.
Open Events for Prospective Parents and Carers
Tuesday 8th October - 9.15 - 10.15am
Wednesday 16th October -1.30 - 2.30pm
Thursday 7th November - 9.15 - 10.15am
Friday 15th November - 9.15 - 10.15am
Tuesday 26th November - 9.15 - 10.15am