
Kingswood Primary School



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Sports Premium

At Kingswood we are passionate about children leading healthy lives and sport plays a huge part in children being physically active.

Our aim is for children to have high quality PE lessons, as many children as possible to play a variety of sports and to represent the school creating memorable and meaningful sporting experiences.


We feel that PE and sport:

  • keeps the body healthy
  • enables children to become more self-confident
  • allows children to feel a sense of pride and self-worth
  • provides opportunities for children to learn the importance of team work.


PE and sports funding

From September 2013, the government has provided extra funding to improve the provision of PE and sport in schools. For the academic year 2023-24, Kingswood Primary School received £17,730 of sports funding and the document below outlines how the money was spent and its impact. We have also included what we intend to spend this money on for the current academic year too.
