At Kingswood Primary school we are committed to giving all our children every opportunity to achieve their potential. We do this by taking into account the varied life experiences and needs of pupils. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum and have high expectations of all children. The achievement, attitude and well-being of every child matters, and inclusion is the responsibility of everyone within our school.
We aim to involve all members of our school community in decision-making and policy development. At Kingswood we believe in a strong partnership between staff, parents and pupils. We work cooperatively to make learning a positive experience for all. The expertise of parents and carers is highly valued.
At Kingswood we support the LEA policy on Inclusion and all our school policies are fully inclusive. We are aware, however, that certain groups of children are at particular risk of underachievement through disadvantage. These include:
We do not discriminate in any way against any pupil seeking admission. Once pupils are at the school, our aim is to provide the best possible learning experiences for all and where necessary giving additional support to individuals or groups of pupils to meet their needs. Pupils will be involved in reviewing their learning experiences, evaluating their progress and actively planning their learning. All pupils have full access to the taught curriculum within school and are encouraged to participate in a range of clubs and sports.
Educational inclusion is about equal opportunities for all members of the school community regardless of their ability, disability, age, gender, ethnicity, religious belief, resident status, heritage language, impairment, looked-after status, sexuality, health, social or economic background. Particular attention is paid to the provision made for, and the achievement of, different groups of learners and different members of the community. Our aim is to be adaptable in order to meet the needs of our pupils, staff and other community members and provide the resources to enable this to happen.