All embroidered items such as sweatshirts, cardigans, PE T-Shirts and bags can be ordered from one of our uniform suppliers, along with other generic items. All items other than the navy sweatshirt and cardigan with the Kingswood logo can be purchased more widely at other retailers.
White shirt or white polo shirt
Grey trousers or shorts with grey socks
Navy skirt, pinafore or trousers with white socks or navy tights
Navy school logo sweatshirt or cardigan with Kingswood logo
White shirt or white polo shirt
Grey trousers or shorts with grey socks
Navy skirt, pinafore, trousers or checked summer dress with white socks or navy tights
Navy school sweatshirt or cardigan with Kingswood logo
Sensible black shoes must be worn at all times with the exception of PE days when trainers or plimsolls should be worn. No sandals, open-toed shoes, boots or shoes with heels may be worn.
Your choice of book bag or rucksack plus a PE kit bag. These do not need to carry the school logo.
Drawstring PE bag
Blue t-shirt (with school logo)
Navy shorts or joggers
House t-shirt (only for house sports events)
Plimsolls or trainers
House t-shirt (Kestrels, Owls, Hawks or Eagles)
Children wear their PE kit to school on days when they have a PE lesson
Jewellery is not permitted to be worn. Watches and stud earrings are permissible, however, children must remove stud earrings before PE. Staff are not allowed to remove stud earrings. If your child wishes to have their ears pierced, this should be done at the beginning of the summer holidays to avoid missing PE lessons.
Valuables such as mobile phones must be handed into the class teacher at the beginning of the day. The school will not take responsibility for these items. The school has a Mobile Phone Policy which parents must read and sign if they would like their child(ren) to bring a phone to school.
The Friends and Parents Teachers Association (FPTA) holds half termly second-hand uniform sales, a range of good quality uniform is available. If you require a full starter uniform bundle, the FPTA are happy to take ad-hoc requests. Please email