Children Can Stay For School Dinners Or Bring A Packed Lunch From Home
You may choose a combination of Packed Lunch and School Dinners, but the pattern set must be the same each week (i.e. Packed Lunch Tues and Thurs, then School Dinners Mon, Wed and Fri)
If you know your child is going to be late for school and will require a school dinner please telephone the school office before 9.30am to ensure a lunch is ordered.
Our school catering provision is offered to all children by catering company, Twelve Fifteen. The dinners are cooked at Epsom Downs Primary School and transported to Kingswood ready for children at lunchtime.
Paying for Lunches
Cost of school meals is £2.80 a day
School meals must be paid in advance on Arbor.
Select 'meals' option under Accounts
Click on 'Top up' in the top right hand corner
If your child will be having school lunches and requires a special diet for allergy, medical or religious reasons, an online application must be made directly to our catering team, Twelve15. Below you will find a link to the Allergies and Special Diets page along with a link to the Special Diet Application.